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Carbrooke Village Sign

Contact us via the Parish Clerk:


Nick Hartley 


01362 687492



News and Information


Welcome to the Parish Council website


We hope you find it useful and informative


Community Award 


We are pleased to announce that our new Community Award has been awarded to two residents, Angela Birkby and Tony Owen.


The Village Hall was in a desperate situation - falling down and with no functioning committee - when Angela agreed to join the committee almost 10 years ago. She has worked tirelessly to help the Hall and to bring the community of Carbrooke together. Among other things, she started the weekly coffee mornings and organised countless Village Hall events including Christmas bazaars.


Tony Owen started Brecks Jam Club in 2022. The group is open to all and meets in the Community Hub. The group provides a self funded platform to meet and play live music. The group has been so successful that it has added a third night per month to concentrate on Acoustic Music only. For more information about them please contact Tony at


Tony and Angela will receive their awards at the Annual Parish Meeting (please see below). 


We are taking nominations for the Community Award 2026. The award recognises all the achievements of those individuals and groups who voluntarily and selflessly improve the lives of those around them. We would like to make an award to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of the parish of Carbrooke. Do you know an individual or organisation, whose service to the community deserves to be recognised ? If so, please make a nomination. The full details can be found under Policies (Community Award). 


Next Council Meetings


The next Council meeting will be in the Village Hall on 8 April at 6pm. This will be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm. Why not come along and see what we do ? There is always a designated part of the meeting in which you can address councillors. A copy of the agenda for each meeting will be available at least three working days before the meeting.


​​​Council Vacancies


Are you interested in joining the Parish Council ? Becoming a councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. Councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by:-


Seeking the best outcome to local issues

Putting forward ideas for better services

Responding to the needs and views of residents

Getting involved in decision making

Helping to make Carbrooke a better place to live


We usually meet on the second Tuesday of every month except August. Meetings start at 7pm. All our members are volunteers and if you are able to give up a small amount of time this is a rewarding opportunity to make a difference. 


For more information please contact our Parish Clerk - or 01362 687492 




The Council would like to say a big thank you to all those who helped to re-shingle the Village Hall car park. All were volunteers who gave up their own free time to help. The result is phenomenal. Thank you also to Pam, who provided lunch and cake ! It was much appreciated. The shingle was provided free of charge by Mick George. In the process, the Council has saved funds, which can now be spent elsewhere for the benefit of the parish. Thank you again to all those who did so much to make this possible.




​​​Residents can make comment on the Commonplace webpage Have Your Say Today - Breckland Local Plan - Commonplace this contains links to the draft local plan and supporting evidence documents. People can then leave comments either through completing the survey questions or they can pin a comment on the interactive map Breckland Local Plan | Commonplace


If you would like a copy of the specific site map for Carbrooke please contact the Parish Clerk (


​​Road Adoptions at Blenheim Grange


Norfolk County Council has reported as follows. We are pleased to advise that the Consortium has recently completed the identified Interim Street Lighting remedial works and settled all fees, which has allowed the Interim Certificate for Stage 1 to be issued. As it customary, the Certificate has been backdated to the day the Stage 1 Roads were found to be satisfactory, so the Statutory 12 months Maintenance Period was deemed to commence on 05 June 2024. The Consortium has now suggested that they will be offering further stages for Adoption in the near future, so the process will need to be repeated for each stage, with Plans being approved and all necessary remedial works being completed (November 12).


Parish Precept


The Parish Council has set its Precept for 2025/26 at £53,000. This has increased from £49,000 and reflects the increased cost of services. â€‹â€‹â€‹



             Who Are We?

The Parish Council comprises nine members who represent the community on various matters.  We are your parish council and are here to represent the residents of Carbrooke. Please feel free to contact the Clerk by phone or email. You can always attend one of our meetings if you prefer, further details are below.

             What We Do


The Parish Council is responsible for:


  • The maintenance and management of the Open Spaces at Blenheim Grange

  • The maintenance and management of the play area at Blenheim Grange

  • The maintenance and management of the Community Hub (managed by a Committee of the Parish Council - see the Hub website for more details. Residents are welcome to attend their meetings)

  • The provision of grant funding for community groups

  •  The maintenance of the Village Hall car park

  • The provision of an annual Christmas tree and lights outside Carbrooke Church

  •  The bus shelter on Broadmoor Road

  • The defibrillators at the Aerolite Garage and in the phone box on Church Street

  •  The community notice boards

  •  We comment on all planning applications and liaise with both Breckland Council and Norfolk County Council on a wide range of matters















Blenheim Grange (Reporting an Issue)


To raise matters concerning the roads, such as potholes, and the adoption of the roads at Blenheim Grange, or to report a fault with a street light on the estate please contact the Taylor Wimpey Customer Care department (01494 509090, or


The Parish Council is responsible for many of the open spaces on the estate. If you wish to report a flytip, initially contact the parish clerk, preferably with exact location details (and photos where possible) and we will assess what action to take.


For dog and litter bins, please contact the parish clerk.


Regarding trees and grass cutting, please contact the parish clerk providing exact location details (and photos where possible) and we will assess what action to take.


Re children's play equipment and the open space next to the play area, please contact the parish clerk (





If you want to report issues regarding parking in the parish, please contact


To report a pothole, or other matters affecting the roads such as trees and hedges, please contact Norfolk County Council online through their Report a Problem facility ( Where possible, please send photographs.




To report flooding please call the Norfolk Flooding Hotline - 0344 800 8013 or 0344 800 8020. Please note it is essential to report all incidents so that there are accurate and up to date records that can be used in flood prevention methods. IF THERE IS DANGER TO PEOPLE, PROPERTY< ENVIRONMENT, please call 999.




Some footpaths in Carbrooke are the responsibility of Norfolk County Council. If you are concerned that a footpath needs cutting back, you should report to Norfolk County Council using its Report a Problem facility.




To report a flytip, please contact Breckland Council through their website (


To report concerns over dogs please Report it to Animal Services (Breckland Council)




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