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Carbrooke Parish Council

The Parish Council consists of nine councillors, who are elected for a period of four years, the last election being in May 2023 (this was an uncontested election). When vacancies arise, the Council is given authority to fill these by co-option.


One of our members is elected each year to be the Chairperson. We also elect a Vice Chair.


We have an officer, the Parish Clerk. The role of the Clerk is advisory and supportive of the Council and its functions.


The Parish Council looks after the interests of the parish and its inhabitants. It has many functions, but broadly speaking is responsible for the provision and maintenance of the play area at Blenheim Grange; the Community Hub; the provision of dog and litter bins at Blenheim Grange; the maintenance of open spaces at Blenheim Grange; the maintenance of the Village Hall car park; the repair and upkeep of bus shelters. 


Carbrooke Parish Councillors


Nathan Defew (Chair)

Darren Page (Vice Chair)

Jo Borrett

Kevin Jones

William Leport

Liz Poole

Graham Redfern


Breckland councillors


Helen Crane 07500823100

Peter Bate


Norfolk County Councillor


Claire Bowes


Are you interested in joining the Parish Council 


Becoming a councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. Councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by :-


Seeking the best outcome to local issues

Putting forward ideas for better services

Responding to the needs and views of parishioners

Getting involved in decision making

Helping to make Carbrooke a better place to live


We usually meet on the second Tuesday of the month. All our members are volunteers and if you able able to give up a small amount of time this is a rewarding opportunity to make a difference.


For more information, please contact our parish clerk (01362 687492) or


The Role of a Councillor


The councillors who make up the Parish Council are local people who provide a democratic voice on behalf of Carbrooke's residents.


Parish councillors are unpaid and do not receive an allowance. It is a voluntary role.


Councillors are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and to promote a harmonious local environment. Councillors are elected for a period of four years. The last elections were in May 2023 (these were uncontested elections). When we have vacancies we are able to co-opt new members.


It is important for parish councils that local people stand as candidates to ensure the Council is made up of people who understand the issues and priorities for the area. The best councils are made up of a diverse range of local people, each bringing to the Council their own life experiences, local knowledge and passion for the area.



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